All Courses

Kaspersky Academy

IoT Vulnerability Research and Exploitation

  • Length

    3 days

  • Result


  • For whom

    Test engineers, developers and security researchers

For Whom

  • ICS Specialist

    Testing specialists, developers and security researchers.

What you will learn

  • After the training, you will be able to analyze and exploit the hardware and software attack surface of IoT devices to secure them. Going forward you will tackle most situations confidently, including when the firmware is not publicly available.

Our Experts

Roland Sako

Roland Sako

Security Researcher, Kaspersky ICS CERT

Education Programm

  • We will guide you through systematic analysis of IoT devices to identify vulnerabilities. You will interact directly with hardware interfaces, and become comfortable with using the hardware and software tools of the trade to evaluate IoT devices and their firmware. After having played with different devices, you will have a chance to apply your newly learned skills to conducting a penetration test against a smart home.

You can also get acquainted with a more detailed course program

Course results

  • Certificate

Training Request

The course is held in group format for companies and universities. If you would like us to run a course for your students or employees, please fill out the short form and we will contact you without fail