Kaspersky conducts tutorials, plus a KIPS session at IIT-Tirupati in India

Kaspersky Academy teamed up with the Global Research & Analysis Team (GreAT) to deliver a tutorial series on “Techniques of Malware Design & Deployment” at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Tirupati as part of the 18th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS) from 16 to 20 December.

Saurabh Sharma, GReAT Senior Security Researcher, led the tutorial of combined theories and live demos of malware design and deployment techniques observed in real-world attack scenarios. Set against the backdrop of increasing political and financial stakes, he illustrated the evolving sophistication and robustness of both the cyber defence mechanisms and the malware technologies. He underscored the importance of studying malware development and deployment techniques to understand cyberattacks better and develop effective countermeasures.

Following the tutorial series, Trishia Octaviano, APAC Academic Affairs Manager, conducted a Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) session wherein teams displayed high competitiveness and enthusiasm as they dealt with simulated cyberattacks in time-bound scenarios.

Dr Vishwas Patil, Tutorials and PhD Forum Chair representing IIT-Bombay, shared: “The ICISS is the only international annual conference on systems security in India. As systems are becoming complex and their insecurity being exploited not only for commercial gain but also for geo-political objectives, a comprehensive view from a leading security expert like Kaspersky helps the participants of the ICISS to abreast themselves to the state-of-the-art in current approaches in vulnerability exploitation and defence. Participation of Kaspersky in ICISS tutorials track has helped the academicians to expose themselves to some of the tools and techniques used in practice.”
