Singapore: Malware Reverse Engineering & Analysis Workshop. May 2019

At the beginning of May, on 6-10th Kaspersky.Academy held a Malware Reverse Engineering & Analysis Workshop for lecturers and professors of Singapore Institute of Technology and Temasek Polytechnic. This is hands-on, practice-oriented training, which allows trainees to rapidly obtain skills needed for static and dynamic analysis of malicious software.

The workshop was held by Kaspersky leading researchers: Victor Chebyshev, Research Development Team Lead, Non-Intel Research, and Alexey Kulaev, Senior Malware Analyst.

After the workshop, we received very positive feedback on the training from the participants:

  • “The content is informative and useful, technical details and practical sessions were good.”
  • “Content, exercises and the explanation were good; the pace was fine and suitable.”
  • “What was good was Hands-on for reversing engineering using tools, step-by-step instruction with tools, and non-OS has more hands-on and clearer for me.”